So glad that you found my corner on the internet. My life has and is continuing to change at an alarming rate. I’ve decided to document it here. Hope you’ll stick around.
Glacier National Park 2016
I’m Stephanie
This is me, giving the eulogy at my 18 year old son’s ‘celebration of life’ service in June 2020.
I never thought that was something I would have to do, and people often remark ‘I don’t know how you were able to do that.’ The truth is, I didn’t feel that I had an option. I brought Tommy into this life, and there was no way that I was going to let him leave without giving him everything in my soul.
Everything in my life has shifted in the last few years, including a move to a new state, the loss of both of my parents and a new business. I’ve been writing and have decided to share my writings here, as well as document some of the changes, good and bad, that I’m going through, here in this space.
I hope that others who are dealing with addiction, grief, loss or change of any type will know that they are not alone in this walk.
Image above graciously taken by Austin Nielsen