After a little thought, I decided it’d be a good idea to give a little back story on some of the writings that I have and will be sharing.
After Tommy passed, a friend sent me an instagram account to look at @refugeingrief. I have found great comfort in reading the posts and spent lots of time looking at the website. It is a great resource for grief, whether your own, or someone else’s. She offers a writing course called ‘writing your grief’ and I decided to sign up for it. Knowing that I’d be in a new place, with time on my hands, and an urge to get my thoughts out, it seemed to come at the right time. Some of these posts that I’m sharing and have come from these prompts, while others will just be my sharing from my heart or my day to day life in a new place.
As we left the hospital the night that Tommy passed, I knew that it was important to me to be honest about what had happened. I find that unless you are willing to be vulnerable and honest, people around you really can’t give you the support that you need. It is in this same vain that I’ve decided to share here. This journal of mine, is my way of sharing and letting people in on this journey of change that I’m experiencing.
Some of what I’ve been writing are very personal and may sound harsh and all-encompassing at times, but of course, as with any emotion, they shift and while they may seem broad stroked, for example… hating when people talk about their 2 kids…. that is a moment in time. If you share with me, please know that I love to hear about your kids. While it may be difficult once in a while, it is also incomprehensible to me to not be able to share in your joy and love and sorrow.
I am missing this important time with Tommy, but am still in this important time with Peter. I love knowing what he and his friends are experiencing and going through, just as I’ll love to know how Tommy’s friends’ lives are progressing. If you’re following along, please know that I appreciate all of the love and support that have been shown to me. It’s humbling and is truly carrying me through this grief.
On to Chica…. wanted to share these photos of her new diving platform! Enjoy!