The number of ways in which we are accessible made keeping track of the messages nearly impossible. I was honestly overwhelmed with everything at the time, but I knew in the back of my mind that I had to save all of the messages somehow.
So glad that you found my corner on the internet. My life has and is continuing to change at an alarming rate. I’ve decided to document it here. Hope you’ll stick around.
Glacier National Park 2016
All in Journal
It’s 4:30am and there’s a light dusting of snow on the ground outside. I doubt it will stick but it’s nice to look out and see it. After so much brown and grey this fall, white is a pleasant surprise. Tommy has been gone for 17 months today.
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve come to this space. I’ve felt pretty empty lately and just haven’t had much that feels important enough to say to put much down ‘on paper’.