
So glad that you found my corner on the internet. My life has and is continuing to change at an alarming rate. I’ve decided to document it here. Hope you’ll stick around.

Glacier National Park 2016

Glacier National Park 2016

I remember

The small, mundane, and possibly even annoying things at the time, seem to have more importance now…

I remember those airsoft guns.  How you were obsessed with them when you were young.  Every day you would go online and research the newest and best.  How much time we spent at Airsoft Gun Depot down by the 10 freeway.  Was it in Alhambra?  I know that we had to pass a ToysRUs on our way there, but don’t quite remember the exact location.  It’s all you talked about.  You had all of the parts - the guns, the little brightly colored pellets…. I don’t even remember the terminology now.  I stood at the counter many times just watching you, so very enthralled with everything that they would take the time to show you.  It feels so long ago.

You and Peter and your friends played on our hillside with those guns for hours.  You would all dress in the puffiest jackets you owned so that if you were hit, it wouldn’t sting.  You wore clear colored ski goggles and often hats.  You even had an airsoft birthday party one year.  You divided your friends into teams and it was pure chaos on that hillside.  Boys running after and away from one another, screaming and yelling for hours.  I think you must’ve been about 8?  Everyone knew there was a possibility of getting hurt and often there were some tears.

Do you remember the day that you shot one of the neighbors in the eye?  I heard screaming coming from the back yard.  You were both in shock.  Thank goodness he was ok, no worse for the wear.

You constantly ordered new things and then would take them apart.  You were fascinated by how it all worked.  It was no wonder you were such a good shot by the time we started coming to Montana.  You’d had an obsession with toy guns, nerf guns, water guns, bb guns and airsoft guns.  When we moved, I found your old metal safe full of fancy airsoft guns - the small revolver type.  I brought it with me.  I’ll keep it, even though those guns are long broken and no longer work.  A reminder of those days when life seemed a little simpler and you were still here.


Things I've found helpful

3 Months